Thursday, June 14, 2012

Sometimes Change Is Good.

Behind every beautiful thing, there’s some kind of pain.

Assalamualaikum :)

Recently, I got to admit that I received quite a number of feedback regarding on my changes. Ada yang elok, dan ada yang kurang elok. Well, I've expected this earlier, so it didn't bother me that much because no matter how good you are or how good you will be, people will still hate you for some reason.

I must say that I'm happy with my changes now. Aku buat ni bukan untuk orang lain, tapi untuk diri aku sendiri. And of course, for Allah's sake too. Tho' its really tough out there, but I know Allah's bless is always with me.

Takde apa yang mampu menjatuhkan aku selagi Allah ada bersama dengan aku. Tak kesah la berapa orang yang cakap korang tak boleh buat itu dan ini, selagi korang tahu Allah ada bersama dengan korang, jangan pernah peduli dengan apa yang orang lain katakan :)

I've been let down for a several times, but I've stood up. Being hurt doesn't phase me any more. I know that I had to stand up for myself because Allah would not let me quit without even trying. Alhamdulillah, there is always a reason behind every story. Mungkin hikmahNya bukan terus kita dapat tahu, tapi lambat laun kita pasti akan tahu.

Pain is one of the reasons that made me change. Well it does to everyone, am I correct to say this? :) I know that I need to change so that people wont hurt me anymore. Or even worse, taking me for granted. I have few names in my list that has been taking me for granted all this while. But I should be thanking them as well for doing that to me, so I could really learn :)

You see, when people change, they change for better -- most of them. Alhamdulillah, aku pilih jalan yang betul. Mungkin masih ada kekurangan di beberapa tempat, insyaAllah aku akan perbaikinya :) Aku tahu bukan semua orang dapat menerima perubahan aku ni.

Some people says that I did this for the sake of getting people's attention. Some says I did this to earn respects from people. Some says that I'm acting this very-islamic-girl so that I will always look good in people's eyes. Well they're wrong.

Semua yang mereka cakap tu salah. Buat apa aku nak meraih populariti dari manusia di dunia ini? Kalau benda tu boleh menolong aku di akhirat kelak, takpe la jugak kan. Ni sikit pun takde bagi aku apa-apa benefits. I did this for myself. Because I will never know when will I die.

Aku tak tahu bila Allah akan menghantar Malaikat Maut untuk cabut nyawa aku dari badan aku ni. Aku tak akan pernah tahu bila. Mungkin sejam lagi, mungkin dua jam lagi, mungkin sehari lagi, mungkin lusa, mungkin tulat -- Aku pun tak tahu. Aku tanak Allah menyoal aku apa yang aku buat selama dia bagi aku waktu untuk hidup di dunia ini.

Sebelum terlambat, lebih elok kan kita berubah? Tapi aku agak terkilan jugak bila kawan aku sendiri kurang selesa dengan perubahan aku ni. Maybe diorang tak pernah cakap, but I know. Aku tahu mereka rasakan semua ini hanyalah tipuan semata-mata. Tapi apakan daya, bukan semua hati aku boleh puaskan. Manusia memang sentiasa tidak puas, mahupun benda itu elok ataupun kurang elok.

So instead of pleasing them, I please Allah :) As long as there is faith, its not impossible to please Allah SWT. Do not stop from doing whatever that could please Allah :)

Alhamdulillah ada sebabnya kenapa aku berjumpa dengan korang semua. Ada yang hanya di alam maya, dan ada juga di dunia yang benar. Setiap dari kamu semua sedikit sebanyak menolong aku untuk mengenali erti hidup di dunia ini :)

Praise be to Allah, I've met some wonderful people too. Even though some of them I haven't met in real life, but I could really feel the connection between us. Diorang support aku, sentiasa tolong ingatkan aku tujuan aku hidup kat dunia ni. Yang dunia ni hanya lah sementara dan di akhirat nanti lah kita akan hidup untuk selama-lamanya.

So people its not wrong to change. It will be tough, I must tell you this. But as long as you have faith in Allah, and you're doing it for the sake of Allah, then you got nothing to worry about.

Berubah ke arah kebaikan adalah yang paling elok. Jangan berubah ke arah yang tidak elok pulak. Because whatever you do in this world will benefits you in the akhirah - its either Jannah or Hellfire. The decision is always in your hand. Think wisely. You will spend the rest of your life there :)

-- Allah is enough. You don't need anything else. Because in the end, its all between you and Allah.

Oh Allah, please guide me to be good for myself and for Your sake only. Amin.

Allah itu Maha Penyayang, semuanya ada hikmah yang baik disebalik jalanNya. Jadi bila anda jatuh, bangun lah semula. Bila anda dijatuhkan oleh orang lain, anda bangun lah semula. Kerana jangan lupa, walau merana, walau terseksa, Allah sentiasa peka. Allah sentiasa tolong. Jadi bangun, bangun, dan terus bangun! :)

* Yeah, I've changed. I am stronger than before. Pain does that to me. And Allah's mercy too. Alhamdulillah.

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